No worries, the New Teacher Summer Prep Boot Camp has all of the answers!

The New Teacher Summer Prep Boot Camp is a virtual 8-week program, designed specifically for new teachers like you, to help you manage your time over the summer and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year. By the end of the eight weeks, you should be feeling planned, prepared, and ready to take on the year!
Each week, we will connect on Zoom to work through the following:
Week 1: CATCH THE REPLAY Kick-off, Introductions, Summer Schedule, Resources, + Getting to Know Your Building
Week 2: CATCH THE REPLAY Classroom Organization
Week 3: CATCH THE REPLAY Classroom Supplies
Week 4: CATCH THE REPLAY Supplies You'll Need for the Upcoming Year
Week 5: Organizing Your Curriculum
Week 6: What to Prep to Make the Year Less Stressful
Week 7: Planning the First 3 Days
Week 8: WIN - Whatever I Need - We will end the NTSPBC with time devoted towards answering any and all questions and finalizing anything you're still unsure about.
Additionally, we will also save time at the end of each call for a Q/A to ensure you can get just-in-time help with whatever you're currently working on
Plus, you'll have access to our exclusive new teacher workbook to keep you on track and organized as you prepare for your first year!
Can't make it? No worries! Though we fully believe there is power in attending live, we know life happens. All calls will be recorded and all recordings will be sent out within 24 hours of each scheduled call.
*All calls will be held on Zoom and will last approximately one hour.
Plus, snag a copy of our First-Year Teacher workbook for free!

First-Year Teacher Workbook
If you're looking for what to prepare for your first year in the classroom, look no further! This workbook has everything you need to be sure that you're going to rock your first year!
What's Included:
- (30) Workbook Pages
- School Information
- 12 week Back to School Timeline + Check List of Tasks
- Getting to Know Your Building
- Classroom Organization
- How to Set Up Your Classroom
- Supplies Needed for Your First Classroom
- Getting to Know Your Curriculum
- How to Lesson Plan
- What to Prep to Make Your Year Less Stressful
- How to Plan Your First Day

Meet Your Coach!
Hi Friends, it's so good to meet you!
I'm Kayla; a wife and golden doodle mama, educator, sunshine lover, and adventure enthusiast!
I've been in the world of education since 2008 when I began working at an after-school program, received my elementary education degree with a minor in math in 2014, got my first big girl job as a para in 2015, and shortly after began teaching 4th grade in the fall of 2015.
Since then, I've taught everything from 4th grade through 10th grade, and even had a few juniors and seniors thrown into the mix as well, and now I am an MTSS Coordinator helping to support schools with academics and behaviors.
In 2019, I had just begun my fifth year of teaching, after transferring to a new school district closer to home. I was in a much larger school, teaching 6th grade math, reading, and social studies, and honestly, I was feeling on top of the world. Year five was my best year yet! However, after teaching, I would go home and scroll the feed a lot, and that's when I began to realize an unfortunate trend. A trend that truly broke my heart. A trend that I knew I had to try to change. This trend, was focused around first-year teachers, all stating the same things.
"I never thought teaching would be this hard."
"College didn't prepare me for this."
"I have zero balance between my school and personal life."
"I just don't think I will make it as a teacher."
So, after spending months praying about it, I was ready to take action, and in the spring of 2020 I began coaching first-year teachers. Since then, I've had the greatest pleasure of my life coaching over 300 teachers and I know this is only just the beginning!
It would truly be an honor to walk along side you as you prepare for your first year as a teacher. To help encourage you on the hard days, celebrate you on the good days, and support you on all the in-between days!
When will the New Teacher Summer Prep Boot Camp begin?
What if I need support all year long?
What if I cannot attend the Zoom calls? Can I still sign up?
What else?

What is the Manageable
New-Teacher Membership
The Manageable New-Teacher Membership is a place for new teachers to come together to be inspired and encouraged to show up and be the best version of themselves each and every day!
It's for teachers whose hearts are set on fire for education, with a burning passion to shape the future of the world, but realistically know they might need a veteran teacher to hold their hand and walk alongside them as they blossom into the teacher they were born to be.
The heart of the Manageable New-Teacher Membership is all about helping new teachers learn the skills and organizational strategies required to manage all the things that keep our teacher plate full, in a way that won't cause even more added stress to their plate.
This membership is practical, it's reasonable, and it's doable, all to ensure that your first year of teaching is more than you ever thought possible in all the best ways, all while being manageable too!
How the Manageable
New-Teacher Membership Works:
Upon joining the Manageable New-Teacher Membership, you will receive instant access to the Blossoming Teacher Course which is our Netflix for Teachers portal, filled with over 75 instructional videos that you can begin binging instantly! These videos provide you with tips and strategies for everything from rocking your interviews, accepting a position, setting up your classroom and more, to classroom management, navigating the relationships with coworkers, admin, support staff, and students, mapping out your curriculum, planning for conferences, having a sub, meeting the needs of your students, and so much more!
Each month throughout the membership we will spend time focusing on a specific just-in-time topic that is purposeful to the that month during the school year.
On the first day of each month, you will receive three {free} plug-and-play resources that you'll be able to easily adapt to use in your classroom, that center around that month's topic.
On the first of the month you'll also receive a bonus training from a surprise guest speaker that focuses on our just-in-time topic. This session will be pre-recorded so that you'll be able to watch it at your convenience.
Also, on a pre-determined day during the month, we will have a LIVE training covering the pre-assigned topic to help you manage your first year in the classroom.
And on another evening or weekend morning, we will have a WIN Power Hour session. WIN stands for, "Whatever I Need" and is meant to be a protected hour in our schedule where we are going to set a timer and work for one solid hour, surrounded by other educators, so that we can get the support and encouragement we need to work through whatever is on our list for the time block! When the timer is up, if you're feeling motivated, you can keep plugging away. If not, it's time to put away the lesson plans and enjoy the rest of your day.
And as always, you will always have access to Blossoming Teacher Course, so that you can continue to gain teacher tips whenever and wherever you need them!